Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On the use of ‘Allah’ by the Herald

Source: The blog owner wishes to acknowledge the Information Secretariat, Persatuan Peguam Muslim Malaysia (Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia) for granting permission to republish this article on The Reflective Heart.

Herald issue – I
The Malays, as one foreigner once summed up, are a people who rest under the coconut tree with the sun shining brightly and cheerfully upon them whilst the wind blow softly against their faces.
This observation is meant as a compliment to the temperament of the Malay Muslims. As compared to Muslims of other countries, the Muslims of Malaya did not go through a period of great conflict and bloodshed to obtain independence. As a result, you have a Muslim community who is tolerant and receptive to other religion and races.

The constitutional position of Islam and the Malays can be understood by making an analogy to a house owner who welcome visitors into their house and allowed their visitors the right to use the living room, dining room, the bedrooms, the garden, and all other areas, except, the house owner was to say, “Never ask for the right to use my own master bedroom. It is my special privilege.” After a few decades, the house owner has shared everything in his house except for his own master bedroom. He finds that his visitors, having enjoyed unlimited access and use of all the parts in his house are now knocking on the doors of his master bedroom, demanding for the right to use his own master bedroom, his last bastion.

The case of the weekly Herald has jolted the largely Malay Muslim community into the realisation that their last bastion, their master bedroom (i.e. Islam and Malay privileges) is now very much at stake. The positive outcome from the Herald fiasco is the unity of majority of the Muslims coming to the fore to protect and defend a matter held dear to their very essence, their religion, culture and sense of identity.

The Herald had since 1986, illegally used the words “Allah” to refer to God in its publication. Under Control of Undesirable Publications of the Printing Presses And Publications Act introduced in 1984, the Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) (Ministry of Home Affairs) has the power to introduce the Garis Panduan Penerbitan Kementerian Dalam Negeri (“Guideline”) to regulate publications such as the Herald. According to the Guideline, words such as “Allah”, “Kaabah”, “Baitullah” and ‘Solat” are not allowed to be used by religions other than Islam. The KDN then issued a letter dated 19.05.1986 instructing and advising the weekly Herald not to use the words contained in the Guideline. Such words are deemed as sensitive to the Muslim community and may cause disharmony, disunity and confusion among the community especially the Malay Muslim community.

However, instead of adhering to KDN’s instructions and advice to cease publishing the word “Allah”, the weekly Herald repeatedly breached the Guideline by reproducing the publication in the Herald containing the words “Allah”.

The Archbishop of the Titular Roman Catholic Church (“the Church”) himself admitted in his Affidavit that a total of eight letters were sent to the Herald by KDN advising them to cease the use of the word “Allah” in their publication which went unheeded. The word “Allah” is banned for use by non Muslims under the anti propagation laws of states in its schedule of offensive words. Despite a clear statutory provision disallowing the use of Allah by non Muslims, the Herald continued in acts of infringement of the anti propagation laws and blatantly disregarded the Guideline since 1986 until 2007. Since no immediate and decisive action was taken by KDN in response to this transgression of state law and consistent breach of the Guideline, the Church was emboldened enough to file a Judicial Review dated 19.03.2008 for the following declarations:-

1. that the Church is entitled to use the word ‘Allah’ in The Herald, a weekly Catholic publication of the Church;
2. that the Guideline by the Kementerian Dalam Negeri is illegal; and
3. that the use of the word “Allah” is not exclusive for the religion of Islam.

The Herald meanwhile, posted their publication online until it came to the attention of the Majlis Agama Islam Selangor (“MAIS”) and the Muslim Chinese Association of Malaysia (“MACMA”) who were deeply concerned on the effects of the publication on the Muslims in general, especially as they were made to understand by the Church that the publication was to be solely for internal circulation of members of the Church. With its posting online by the Herald however, meant that the general public and those outside of Kuala Lumpur including the world at large would have unlimited access to the Herald. The MACMA feared that the publication would cause confusion among converts due to the terminology used. It may also open the floodgates for other beliefs to challenge the Guidelines and use the word “Allah” in their practise.

As a body entrusted with the protection of the rights and interests of Islam and the largely Malay Muslims, MAIS viewed these developments with alarm and concern. MAIS is empowered under state legislation to dispense their duties as the lawful representative of the Sultan of Selangor including to advise the Sultan of Selangor on any matter impacting the unity and interests of the Muslims. Having presented to the Sultan of Selangor the gravity of the matter, the Sultan of Selangor found the situation to be sufficiently compelling for MAIS’s intervention. With the blessings and unequivocal support of the Sultan of Selangor, MAIS filed applications to be admitted as interveners for both the Summons and Review. Their action was emulated by other Majlis Agama Islam of the States of Wilayah Persekutuan, Terengganu, Johore, Pulau Pinang and Melaka. Throughout the case, solicitors and MAIS officers handling the case attest to the ease by which they were able to advise and brief the Sultan of Selangor and to obtain further directions. The deeds of the Sultan of Selangor shall be crafted in our historical manuscripts as a monarch who has displayed a deep conscience and understanding of his role as protector and custodian of Islam and Malay rights, in the case brought by the Church.

The intervener applications by MAIS, MACMA and Majlis Agama Islam of States were provided for by statutory provisions under the Rules of the High Court. Unfortunately, the Court did not allow their application even though MAIS argued for their inclusion under the various provisions in the Rules of High Court, including provisions for special entry to oppose the judicial review. The Court did not recognise the statutory duties of MAIS under state legislations as the lawful body to advise and aid the Sultan of Selangor in such matters of judicial review relating to the rights and interests of Islam and the largely Malay Muslims.

The Court made a pronouncement that MAIS have no basis to justify that they have a direct interest in the case, in total disregard to MAIS’s statutory function as adviser and aid to the Sultan of Selangor in matters of Islam and Muslim rights. Thus, MAIS was denied the opportunity to put forth their arguments before the Court by the Judge presiding the case, Datuk Lau Bee Lan. This situation proved fatal to MAIS’s intervener application and was a major factor that led to a decision in favour of the Herald. The Court decision meant that the words “Allah” and consequently, “Allah’s Son” were allowed to be used in the Malay pages of the Herald weekly. The Court decision has also set a precedent that where it deems fit, parties who expressly transgressed and breached laws, may still come to Court challenging the authorities’ right to enforce laws under the guise of “constitutional rights”. This is one of the greatest mockeries to our judicial system.

Consequently, the reaction of the Muslim community to the Court decision dated 31.12.2009 is largely one of disbelief, anger and humiliation; a deep wound that if it were at all to recover, would require a long healing process.

Herald Issue – Part II
The Judge presiding the case of the Herald, Datuk Lau Bee Lan, in her decision disallowing MAIS, MACMA and Majlis Agama of States as interveners, made special mention of the fact that the applicants in this case were unable to provide concrete evidence that the use of the word “Allah” is sensitive to the Muslim community and would cause disharmony, disunity and confusion among the Muslim community. As such, it may be inferred that the Judge was of the opinion that the usage of the word “Allah” by the Herald and the Church would not be of material consequence as far as the Muslim community is concerned.

Events that unfolded during the days immediately succeeding the decision proved otherwise. NGOs, Islamic organisations and various other organisations whether politically connected and apolitical were greatly moved by this outright disregard of the Muslim’s community sensitivities. The government, initially unsure of the correct stand to be taken, followed the stance set by our former premier in this issue, where Tun Mahathir in his statement immediately after the Court decision was handed down stated that “….the word “Allah” is specific for Muslims..” and “…in Peninsular Malaysia we have never heard of Christians using the word Allah when referring to God in the Malay language, why are we using the word now?..”. Tun Mahathir’s sentiment is shared by many Muslim groups in Malaysia who questioned the motives behind the application by the Church to use the word “Allah” in the Herald which may, subsequently lead to the use of the word of “Allah” in a Malay language version of the bible. The other versions of the bible, which is the English, Chinese and Tamil language do not include the word “Allah” in their publications. As such, it seems that the word “Allah” and as such, “Allah’s Son” are meant to be used exclusively for a Malay language version and targeted for the largely Malay Muslim community.

The demonstrations of opposition to the Court decision that took place all over the country culminated in sporadic attacks against Churches in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Perak, Malacca and Sarawak, hinting to possible civil unrest if left unabated. A news report dated 11th January 2010 in the Star which states “…Some 1,700 members of the Protestant Church packed the hall for the joint Mandarin and English services from early yesterday…” points blankly to the age old customary usage of English and Mandarin in their Church services, which reinforces the suspicion of the Muslim community towards the intention of the Church in using the word “Allah” in the Malay language pages of the Herald-Weekly and the Malay version of the bible. Members of Churches testify through at least one blog ( as follows:- “It is for the use of ‘Allah’ in worship and publication in Bahasa, not in English…Yes, they had use God and will continue use God in English worship/publication but in Bahasa, they want to use ‘Allah’ back”.

In respect to the attacks against the Churches, there have been notable efforts by the government to pacify the Christian community whereby monetary compensation and contribution to repair the Churches were offered. The Muslim community generally do not condone the attacks and belief that these attacks are isolated incidences and committed by extremist individuals. However, similar efforts by the government to pacify the Muslim community are wanting and the Christian community have not come strongly forward to state their disagreement with the application by the Titular Roman Archbishop to use the word “Allah” in Malay language pages of the Herald-Weekly. In order to contain extremist individuals and comfort the wounds of the Muslim community inflicted by the Church’s Court application, a more decisive stand has to be made by the government authorities.

Although the stand by the government authorities in this issue is uncertain and lacking in direction, the King – Yang Dipertuan Agong Al-Wathiqu Billah Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin ibin Almarhum Sultan Madmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah (“Yang Dipertuan Agung”) came forward to point the direction that the government is supposed to drive in this issue. In the statement issued by the Yang Dipertuan Agung dated 9th January 2010, the Yang DiPertuan Agung reminded all parties to respect Islam as the religion of the Federation and emphatically stated that the use of the word “Allah” shall precisely follow that as understood and complied in the Islamic context. The statement made by the Yang DiPertuan Agung had to a certain extent, provided some semblance of relief from the black abyss that currently envelopes the muslim community.

The statement by the Yang DiPertuan Agung that Islam is the religion of the Federation is of great significance in its meaning and effect. Under the Constitution, Islam holds a special position that is unquestionable. This special position is entrenched in Article 3 of the Federal Constitution that states, “Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace in harmony in any part of the Federation.” Therefore, Article 3 establishes the sovereignty of Islam as the religion of the Federation and the rights of other religions to be practised shall not encroach on the rights of Muslims to practise Islam nor cause disharmony to Islam. The description of Islam as a religion above others under the Constitution is aptly described by Judge Mohd Nor Abdullah in a decided case in the year 2000 (Meor Atiqurahman bin Ishak & Ors v Fatimah Sihi & Ors [2000] 1 CLJ 393), where Islam is likened to a majestic tree known as the “Pokok Jati” which is tall, strong and luminous. It stands and walk before others, its presence is in the main arena with its voice heard loud and clear. If its nature is not as such, then it cannot be said to be a religion above others in the Constitution.

The Yang DiPertuan Agung, in taking the office of Yang DiPertuan Agong, is subject to the Oaths he had pledged as stipulated in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution. In accordance to the Oaths taken under the name of Allah, the Yang DiPertuan Agong has an undisputable sacred duty as custodian and protector of the religion of Islam and Malay rights.

In the case of the Herald, the Yang DiPertuan Agong, having been advised by Constitutional experts, came instantly to the defence of the Islamic religion and being an institution by itself, was the first to pledge support for the Sultan of Selangor in the intervener application. The Majlis Agama of Terengganu, being the state directly under the Yang DiPertuan Agong was initiated as a party through its Majlis Agama Islam to the intervener application. For states that have no Sultan such as Malacca, Pulau Pinang and Wilayah Persekutuan, the Yang DiPertuan Agong took upon himself to instruct the Majlis Agama of these states to join in the intervener application. The Sultan of Johor, meanwhile, came into the intervener application through the advice of their Mufti.

The main thrust of the Yang DiPertuan Agong’s and Majlis Agama States’ concern is the confusion that the misuse of the word “Allah” would cause among the Muslims and non Muslims alike. The concept of Allah as understood, embraced and practised by the Muslim community in Malaysia is totally distinct and separate from the concept as understood by the Church conceptually, culturally and theologically. Whereas, the concept of Allah embraced by the Muslim community in Malaysia as defined in the context of Muslim and Malay tradition is Allah in a MONOTHEIST (TAUHID) sense as opposed to the concept of TRINITY of God as understood by the Church.

In the aftermath of the Church attacks, calls were made for the Muslim community to remain calm and not to disrupt harmony. Some opinions chided the Muslim community for their intolerant behaviour towards the Court Decision and even advised that the issue of the use of the word “Allah” in the Malay language pages of the Herald-Weekly has been unjustly magnified. The nation has forgotten one critical aspect in all of this mayhem; the Muslim community did not start the encroachment of the rights of other religious communities. Instead, the act of the Church in bringing the matter to Court is seen by the Muslim community as a belligerent and provocative act and this fact should be acknowledged by all, as a first step towards healing wounds.

Extracted from
Information Secretariat, Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia.
(Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia


Assalamualaikum w.b.t….

Brothers & sisters..
Just want to share something with you all…
Think carefully for our future generations…
Remember the quote “to see the future of nation just look at their youth @ youngsters"…
So what happens now will give big implication on our next generation…

It’s about using "Allah" for their God. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God.
So, the Malaysian Christians (I believe only a fraction of them) currently claim that the word belong to them as much as it belongs to Muslims.
To me, it’s really sad they can’t even accept simple thing & can hurt Malaysian Muslims really bad…
For many decades, we, Malay Muslims have sacrificed a lot for the other Malaysians (both as Malay race and as Muslim religion) in the name of unity.

But right now, when it will affect our ‘Aqidah’ & purity of Islam religion, it’s really TOO MUCH to compromise….
I don’t want our past mistakes to happen again & again…..
I believe this is a part of the Jewish plan.
So to all Muslims, please come and unite to protect our beloved religion & country….
P/S : Here, I attach some interesting photos that may open any Muslim's eye regarding this matter….
So, please don’t say in the name of democracy, or whatever…..

What will the kids think after seeing "Allah" on a church like this??
It’ll will confuse them!!. The next, they will ask: ‘Can we pray to Allah at a church?’ or ‘Is there more than ONE Allah?’ !!!!!!!
What will happen next?? This is already happening in East Malaysia , so please do something before it spreads here, to Peninsular Malaysia..

Don’t wait for this to happen in Malaysia, as in Indonesia. there is lot of confusion like this….

Then ‘Murtad’ will be so common & can’t be stopped anymore….

Again, to all my Muslim brothers & sisters, friend lets unite and face this for sake of our future generation…

Thank You. Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!! Allahuakbar!!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


MAJLIS Gabungan NGO’s Islam Sabah (CONCERN) yang mewakili seluruh NGO-NGO Islam di Sabah menyokong penuh kenyataan Ketua Pengarah JAKIM dalam Portal Malaysian Insider pada 16 Januari 2010 berhubung isu dua set undang-undang dan peraturan dalam menguatkuasakan soal larangan penggunaan kalimah Allah (satu set untuk Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan dan Pulau Pinang dan satu Set untuk negeri-negeri lain di Semenanjung).

Bagaimanapun CONCERN membantah keras kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Aziz mengenai isu penggunaan kalimah Allah di Sabah dan Sarawak, yang membolehkan kalimah Allah digunakan oleh orang-orang bukan Islam, atas dasar budaya rakyat di Sabah dan Sarawak sudah biasa dengan keadaan berkenaan dan telah dilakukan sejak puluhan tahun.

CONCERN menegaskan bahawa isu dasar dan kritikal yang melibatkan Aqidah umat Islam tidak boleh dilihat dari sudut geografi, budaya dan perundangan kerana pada hakikatnya Islam adalah ajaran agama yang sempurna merentasi lingkungan dan zaman.

Jika dikaji dari segi sejarah, kedatangan Islam di Sabah adalah lebih awal daripada agama Kristian iaitu lebih kurang pada akhir tahun 1300-an. Pendapat ini disokong oleh penemuan manuskrip bertulisan Jawi dalam bahasa Idahan bertarikh 1408M yang ditemui di Kampung Sapagaya, Lahad Datu.

CONCERN amat kecewa terhadap kenyataan Nazri kerana terlalu dangkal tanpa merujuk kepada fakta-fakta yang benar dan berautoriti sebelum mengeluarkan kenyataan.

Kami berpendirian Nazri tidak berhak untuk mewakili masyarakat Islam di Sabah berhubung isu penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh penganut Kristian. Bahkan beliau gagal memahami hati nurani umat Islam di Sabah. Lebih parah lagi kenyataan Nazri itu boleh mengundang kemarahan yang mungkin tidak terkawal .

Nazri sepatutnya sedar bahawa pendirian umat Islam di Sabah adalah sama dengan pendirian umat Islam di Semenanjung termasuk kenyataan beliau yang menolak penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh agama lain.

Isu kalimah Allah bukan isu politik atau undang-undang, ia adalah isu akidah yang merupakan isu asas dan kritikal bagi umat Islam yang tidak boleh dicabuli oleh mana-mana pihak.

Nazri telah menyemarakkan kembali api kemarahan umat Islam yang hampir reda selepas kenyataan oleh Datuk Seri Panglima Clarence Bongkos Malakun, Pengerusi Jaksa Pendamai Malaysia yang menyeru untuk penarikan semula penggunaan kalimah Allah di Gereja Kristian Katolik.

Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia kali ke-82 bertarikh 5-7 Mei 2008 mengenai isu tuntutan penganut Kristian Katholik terhadap penggunaan kalimah Allah telah memutuskan bahawa lafaz Allah adalah kalimah suci yang khusus bagi agama dan umat Islam dan ia tidak boleh digunakan atau disamakan dengan agama-agama bukan Islam yang lain. Atas dasar itu, perlaksanaannya meliputi seluruh Malaysia termasuklah Sabah dan Sarawak.

Kami ingin mengingatkan bahawa semua pihak khususnya Kerajaan supaya bertanggungjawab memelihara kemurnian akidah serta menjunjung tinggi kesucian Islam dalam Negara ini mengikut bidang kuasa dan pengaruh masing-masing.

Dalam konteks ini, Kerajaan Malaysia mestilah mempercepatkan pewartaan Enakmen Kawalan dan Sekatan Pengembangan Agama Bukan Islam Kepada Orang Islam di Sabah, Sarawak, Wilayah Persekutuan dan Pulau Pinang agar tidak ada dua set undang-undang berkaitan dengan isu ini.

NOTA: Kenyataan ini dikeluarkan oleh Haji Sainuri Yahmin, Pengerusi Concern.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dato’ Dr. Siddiq Fadzil
Wadah Pencerdasan Umat Malaysia (WADAH)

Selama berabad-abad negara Malaysia (dan sebelumnya Tanah Melayu) yang terbentuk daripada gabungan Negeri-Negeri Melayu (Malay States) ini durujuk sebagai model negara berbilang kaum dan agama yang rukun, harmonis dan penuh tolerasi. Kejayaan mencipta kerukunan hidup antara agama adalah suatu prestasi ketamadunan dan kemanusiaan yang tidak ternilai. Faktor kunci kejayaan ini tidak lain adalah sikap ramah bangsa Melayu-Muslim yang menjadi golongan majoriti dan sekaligus “tuan rumah”. Keramahan luar biasa yang memang menjadi watak bangsa inilah yang memungkinkan penganut pelbagai agama (Kristian, Hindu, Buddha dan lain-lain) di negara ini menikmati kebebasan dan keselesaan mengamalkan agama masing-masing tanpa gangguan. Selama ini kerukunan hidup sedemikian itu dapat dipertahankan kerana adanya sikap menghargai keramahan (Melayu-Muslim) tersebut, di samping adanya rasa hormat terhadap kedudukan istimewa agama Islam sebagai agama Persekutuan, juga kerana adanya kesedaran terhadap realiti kesejarahan dan kebudayaan negara ini. Memang dalam sejarahnya Negeri-Negeri Melayu adalah bahagian daripada warga rumpun besar Dar al-Islam. Kesedaran tentang hakikat-hakikat inilah yang melatari keharmonian hubungan antara kaum dan agama selama ini. Justeru, kesedaran tersebutlah yang membentuk sikap saling memahami dan menghormati batas dan sempadan daerah keagamaan masing-masing. Kaum bukan Muslim umumnya cukup memahami daerah sensitiviti masyarakat Melayu-Muslim, dan demikian pula sebaliknya. Kerana itu hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kedudukan Melayu dan Islam biasanya tidak diusek atau diganggu.

Ketegangan di sekitar isu pemakaian kalimat Allah ketika ini adalah akibat kegagalan menghayati tradisi menjaga sensitiviti umat Melayu-Islam. Mereka yang berkeras mahu menggunakan kalimat Allah dalam konteks agama Katolik bukan tidak tahu tentang keberatan umat Islam terhadap tuntutan mereka. Sikap tersebut tidak lain adalah gejala hilangnya kepedulian terhadap perasaan dan pendirian orang lain. Seharusnya mereka berusaha untuk cuba memahami keberatan umat Melayu-Muslim terhadap pemakaian nama Allah dalam konteks agama selain Islam.

Bagi umat Islam Allah adalah di atas segala-gala. Demikianlah hakikatnya, Allah selamanya merupakan ultimate concern bagi kaum Muslimin. Syahadat pertama keislaman mereka adalah kesaksian tentang hakikat ketiadaan tuhan selain Allah (Yang Maha Esa). Hanya Dia yang bernama Allah, nama yang dipilih sendiri oleh Allah khusus untuk diri-Nya, tidak siapa pun boleh memakainya selain Allah sendiri. Ia adalah al-Ism al-A`zam, Nama Agung bagi Dhat yang wajib al-wujud. Ia adalah nama yang merujuk Dhat yang meliputi seluruh sifat ketuhanan. Sebagai nama khusus-Nya, ia berbeza daripada nama-nama-Nya yang lain seperti al-Qadir, al-`Alim, al-Rahim yang boleh dipakai oleh yang lain-lain. Kerana kekhususannya itu jugalah nama-nama-Nya yang lain itu dinisbahkan kepada nama Allah lalu disebut asma’u ‘Llah (nama-nama Allah). Al-Sabur, al-Shakur, al-Qadir misalnya disebut sebagai nama-nama Allah, tetapi tidak boleh disebut sebaliknya, Allah adalah nama al-Shakur atau al-Sabur. Demikianlah hakikat kalimat Allah sebagai nama khas (`alam) yang tidak dipakai untuk selain-Nya.

Allah bukan nama am yang siapa sahaja boleh memakainya, dan bukan juga kata umum tanpa makna dan definisi tertentu sehingga siapa sahaja boleh memaknainya. Andainya kalimat Allah dimaknai lain daripada makna dan definisi hakikinya, jelas akan menimbulkan kekacauan semantik yang serius. Bagi umat Melayu-Muslim sejak mula kalimat Allah sudah sedia terpadu dengan definisi yang mantap dan muktamad, definisi yang diungkapkan oleh Allah sendiri dalam surah al-Ikhlas, Katakanlah: Dia-lah Allah, Yang Maha Esa. Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu. Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada seorangpun yang setara dengan Dia.”. Penurunan surah tersebut dilatari peristiwa kedatangan sekumpulan orang Yahudi meminta Nabi s.`a.w. memberikan pemerian tentang Tuhannya. Kerana itu surah ini bermula dengan kata Qul (Katakan) yang kemudian diikuti dengan ayat-ayat yang mengandungi rumusan definisi tentang Allah. Ternyata Allah adalah nama yang menyebatikan makna tauhidik, nama yang menolak syirik, dan sekaligus nama yang menafikan faham trinity (Tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan). Kerana itu surah ini disebut juga dengan nama Suratu ‘t-Tawhid. Memang ia adalah surah yang merumuskan faham tauhid yang semurni dan semutlaknya. Ayat-ayat dalam surah ini juga dengan jelas mengungkapkan makna bahawa Allah adalah “...a Personality”, bukan sekadar suatu konsep falsafi yang abstrak.

Surah al-Ikhlas adalah antara sekian banyak surah dan ayat al-Qur’an yang membawa mesej conceptual correction terhadap pemakaian nama Allah di kalangan masyarakat pra-Islam termasuk sebahagian suku-suku Arab jahiliah dan kaum Nasrani. Mereka memakai nama Allah dalam konteks faham syirik, termasuk faham al-tathlith atau trinity. Ayat-ayat korektif tersebut rata-rata membawakan makna dan nada ketidakrelaan Allah terhadap pemakaian nama-Nya dalam konteks yang menyimpang daripada prinsip kemurnian dan kemutlakan tauhid. Demikianlah kalimat dan nama Allah yang difahami oleh umat Melayu-Muslim umumnya, lalu bagaimana mungkin mereka yang saban hari membaca dan menghayati surah al-Tawhid akan dengan senang merelakan Nama Suci dan Agung ini dipakai dalam konteks faham syirik.

Sikap berkeras mahu menggunakan juga kalimat Allah (sekalipun dengan mengguris perasaan sebahagian besar umat Melayu-Muslim) menimbulkan tanda tanya, ada apa sebenarnya? Selama ini, sejak ratusan tahun, tanpa memakai nama Allah, para penganut Katolitik telah dapat mengamalkan agama mereka dengan leluasa. Ajaran Katolik dapat difahami oleh para penganutnya, malah telah dikembangkan tanpa masalah. Lalu kenapa sekarang isu ini dibangkitkan dan diperjuangkan dengan cara yang begitu provokatif. Mereka bukan tidak tahu betapa sensitif dan eksplosifnya isu ini. Mereka juga bukan tidak tahu bahawa isu ini menyentuh jantung ajaran agama Islam.

Rasanya wajar sekali kita merenung kata-kata Gopal Raj Kumar yang kami petik di bawah ini:

What Catholics appear to be seeking here is an extension to that form of racism that whatever non Malays and non Muslims wish to do in the name of religion has to be tolerated in the name of a half written constitution. Whilst at the same time arguing against everything that the Malays as a majority in a democracy do as wrong and racist.

Catholics must learn to reciprocate in kind to a people in whose country they have been treated with much reverence, dignity and respect over centuries. Malaysia although fundamentally a Muslim state has, advocated for and advanced Catholic (and other religious causes and purposes) without the let or hindrance of religious intolerance like that imposed on them by the Thais, Burmese, Philippines, Australians, Chinese and more recently the Swiss.

Much of the reason we are able to debate such issues and to read and write about it today it is often argued is the result of a good Catholic education. Wrong! It is equally the result of Malay Muslim generosity in allowing the propagation of the faith, its schools and other institutions to thrive and its tolerance of their values.

It is a pity that in return all that the Catholic church has to offer is an insult to the Malays and Malay Muslims in persuing such a worthless policy of provocation.

In a demonstration of its faith in its own credo of Good Christian Charity and goodwill, the Catholic Church ought to withdraw the ridiculous and provocative demand now legitimised by a flawed decision. It should demonstrate that it ought not to be allowed the sinister use of one Arabic word Allah which is clearly a thorn in the side of its Malay majority hosts.

The church may do so without any embarrassment to itself. On the contrary with one fell act of goodness and respect it would build a bridge of understanding likely to last forever as a monument to its credo, rather than for the blemishes in its record of insults, abuse, its betrayal to the colonials and the undermining of the cultural and religious sensitivities and heritage of Malaysia’s majority (

Isu ini seharusnya diselesaikan secepat dan sebijaksana mungkin. Semakin lama dipolemikkan, akan semakin panjang rentetan persoalannya. Sikap berkeras mahukan sesuatu yang jelas-jelas tidak dapat diberikan akan menimbulkan dugaan adanya agenda terselubung di balik tuntutan tersebut. Ia akan ditafsirkan sebagai strategi “lulus jarum, lulus kelindan”, selepas kalimat Allah akan banyak lagi istilah-istilah Islam yang dikatolikkan seperti kalimat syahadat, solat, zakat, haji dan lain-lain lagi. Isu ini akan memarakkan spekulasi bahawa ia adalah bahagian daripada agenda besar mendistorsikan Islam dengan memakai istilah-istilah Islam yang dirubah erti dan isinya. Masyarakat Islam akhirnya akan mengalami kekeliruan yang serius dan tidak lagi mengenal Islam yang murni. Lebih jauh lagi isu ini akan membangkitkan semula kenangan pedih masa lalu, zaman awal kedatangan penjajah Barat yang membawa agenda pengkristianan rakyat pribumi Melayu. Arkitek penjajahan Inggeris di rantau ini, S. Raffles tidak datang hanya untuk mengaut kekayaan, tetapi juga datang dengan misi dan cita-cita pengembangan Bible Society. Kegiatan menyebarkan agama Kristian di kalangan pribumi Melayu itu dilakukan atas nama “...cultivating the waste and barren soil of the native mind”. Usaha mengkristiankan orang Melayu telah dilakukan dengan bersungguh-sungguh, termasuk dengan menterjemahkan Bible ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Untuk itu mereka telah mendapatkan khidmat Abdullah Munsyi. Bagaimanapun orang Melayu berpegang kuat dengan Islam. Abdullah Munsyi yang terlibat dalam penterjemahan Bible mendapat gelar ejekan “Abdullah Paderi”.

Catatan tersebut seharusnya sudah menjadi “perkara masa lalu” yang sudah tidak relevan lagi dalam konteks semangat masa kini, era membina kesatuan dalam kepelbagaian. Provokasi-provokasi keagamaan sehausnya dihindari, dan tuntutan yang menjadi keberatan umat Melayu Islam ini harus dihentikan. Apa pun yang berlaku pada pemakaian kalimat Allah di luar Malaysia tidak semestinya relevan dengan masyarakat kita. Isu ini harus dilihat secara kontekstual. Realiti sejarah dan budaya Malaysia memang tidak memungkinkan pemakaian kalimat Allah di luar konteks keislaman. Fiqh kita mengambilkira `uruf ahl al-balad (budaya warga setempat). Antara yang harus menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam isu ini ialah mafsadah atau kesan buruknya yang perlu dihindari.


Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan yang bersidang kali ke 82 pada 5 hingga 7 Mei 2008 telah mencapai keputusan seperti berikut :

“Setelah meneliti keterangan, hujah-hujah dan pandangan yang dikemukakan, Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa Lafaz Allah merupakan kalimah suci yang khusus bagi agama dan umat Islam dan ia tidak boleh digunakan atau disamakan dengan agama-agama bukan Islam yang lain. Oleh itu, wajib bagi umat Islam menjaganya dengan cara yang terbaik dan sekiranya terdapat unsur-unsur

penghinaan atau penyalahgunaan terhadap kalimah tersebut, maka ia perlu disekat mengikut peruntukan undang-undang yang telah termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.”

Institusi penting umat Islam ini mesti mempunyai pendokongnya. Ianya tidak boleh terlalu remote daripada umat. Di khuatiri lambut laun nanti ianya detach daripada umat. Keputusan yang dibuat mesti dipastikan mengakar di kalangan umat. Ianya tidak boleh hanya dihebahkan ketika sesuatu isu berlaku.


Rasulullah s.a.w lebih 1430 tahun silam, ketika berhadapan dengan kedegilan delegasi agama nasrani yang terusan ingin menyamakan tuhan mereka dengan Allah s.w.t. Hanya dengan ditemani oleh putri, dua orang cucu serta menantu baginda, Rasul s.a.w mengajak mereka melakukan mubahalah.
Tiada hujjah ilmiah, bedah kitab atau debat panjang lebar. Begitulah keberanian dan kehebatan manusia Agung yang tidak teragak-agak mempertahankan kesucian Tuhan yang di imaninya dari diperlekehkan.

Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi memperlihatkan kekalahan psikologi umat Islam. Kalah di home ground bukan di mahkamah antarabangsa atau di United Nation. Negara yang di sebut Negara Islam. Islam sebagai agama rasmi sebagaimana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Sejauh mana sensitivity dan keprihatinan umat Islam terhadap isu ini. Masih ada yang tidak ambil peduli seolah-olah tidak ada apa-apa yang berlaku. Business as usual, hantar anak sekolah di awal pagi, dan bersesak-sesak pergi kerja . Mahasiswa-mahasiswi sibuk dengan assignment dan aktiviti harian mereka. Manakala bloggers juga sibuk menampilkan cerita peribadi dan aktinviti mereka. Amat kecil yang membahas, membincang atau membantah isu ini. Apa kalimah Allah tidak membawa apa-apa makna kepada kehidupan seorang Muslim? Apa kalimah Allah tidak signifikan dalam peristilahan bahasa Melayu?

Apa kah kita mau melihat nama "Allah" dijadikan subang, loket atau accessories sebagaimana yang selalu kita lihat dipakai oleh selebriti dan artis Nigers antarabangsa. Dari saiz kecil sampai ke saiz yang besar. Dari yang simple sehingga ke bentuk sophisticated. Apa perasaan kita sekiranya melihat nama "Allah" dibawa ke tandas, diletakkan di tempat yang hina dan yang tidak sepatutnya?

Umat Islam telah dikalahkan melebihi hatricks. Tidak lama dulu pelajar sekolah berserban dikalahkan di mahkamah. Yang mengkibatkan mereka terpaksa membuka serban atau tinggalkan sekolah. Muslimah berpurdah juga kalah dalam pentas perundangan. Terang-terang menampakkan paradox, Islam sebagai agama rasmi Negara. Human rights atau hak kemanusiaan hanya untuk siapa sebenarnya? Walaupun agama Persekutuan adalah agama Islam namun pada hakikatnya di Malaysia yang selalu mendapat keutamaan ialah agama bukan Islam.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Media Statement By Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar

Media Statement By Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar, President, Muslim Lawyers Association of Malaysia.

In the days leading to the decision of the case brought by the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop applying to use the word Allah in the Malay version of the bible, the Muslim community sat muted whilst being schooled by the non Muslims on their own religion. At the helm of this muted movement were politicians including their ulamas, political alliances and Muslim intellectuals who all agreed that it is permissible for the use of the word Allah in the Catholic weekly Herald publication.

The first effect that we shall see from the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court dated 31.12.2009 allowing the Church to use the word Allah in their Malay language publication is the birth of Allah’s son. From now onwards, the Christian God in this new publication shall be referred to as “Allah” and Jesus Christ as “Anak Allah”.

The Muslim calendar, ie the Maal Hijrah for the year 1431 shall be well remembered by all Malaysians as the year where the trinity of Allah accompanied by “Anak Allah” shall be celebrated in the books of the Christians in the mother tongue of the largely Malay muslim populace and marked by the lunar eclipse event. In Surah Al Ikhlas, verse 1-4, Allah says ‘ Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; 2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. 3. He begets not, nor is he begotten; 4. And there is none like unto Him.‘

For the unlettered and unschooled in Islam, verse 3 simply means that Allah “does not give birth”, nor is “Allah given birth to”. It is incumbent for all Muslims, both lettered and unlettered, to uphold the sanctity of the concept of monotheism in Islam and never to allow Allah to be portrayed as having the attributes of a human being, the ability to beget a Son of which the echelons of the political community using Islam as their brand name in Malaysia have so easily facilitated and consented.

Those responsible for allowing this event to take place shall have to answer in their graves and in the hereafter for committing the greatest of all sins, “shirk” or polytheism of the highest degree. No argument can justify the usage of “Allah” and “Anak Allah” in any kitab here; yet those in a position to prevent this occurrence has shamelessly come to the defence of The weekly Herald to teach us how to pray to our ONE GOD.

What is the rationale for using the word “Allah” in the Christian books and how does this promote racial integration or even “One Malaysia”? If anything, this event draws the divide between the races even more. It is a deep shame that we have to live with for the rest of our lives, losing a battle that need not have been fought at all. It is not the fault of the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop that we lost our pride and identity, we are our own doing. The pride of our community today fell due to treachery by those who fought and won political battles using the name of Islam. In the Quran, Allah warns us most of all against people who sell their religion. Allah says in the Quran, “ not sell my religion for a paltry sum..”. In this case before us, the situation involved is even worse, they sold their religion for free.


1-There is no nas qat’i (conclusive/definitive evidence) from the Quran and the Sunnah on this matter. All the evidences put forward by those who permit it, do not show that it is permissible for non Muslim to use the word Allah. Since there is no conclusive evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah, this matter falls under zanniyyat, something which is based on human discretion. Muslim scholars need to base their argument on historical, epistemological, theological and semantic analysis. There will be right and wrong opinions depend on who has the strong argument. Definitely wisdom and in-depth analysis must be stressed and not just literal interpretation. Although there is no conclusive evidence this does not mean that we cannot reach certainty in dealing with this issue. In this short but concise paper I will provide conclusive arguments which will demonstrate that non Muslim should not be permitted to use the word Allah in any ways to refer to their God even in their publication for their own community. As long as they live in Muslim country they have to respect their Muslim neighbors.

2-Epitemologically, many words, including Allah, solat, wahyu, baytullah etc., that were used before Islam went through the process of Islamization. By giving new meaning to them. The fact is that the word Allah even though it was used before Islam, it has been Islamized. That is the meaning of it is no longer the same as before. By permitting non Muslim to use it we will be responsible for deislamization of this word. We will be reverting the course which was done by our Prophet. Hence, we will be responsible for making more Muslims become confused. Before Islam the name of God (or gods) is not only Allah, there is a lot of gods during the jahiliyyah period. Allah was a general word. The specific names for their gods are al-lata, al-uzza, al-manat etc. when Islam came it gives new meaning to Allah. Islam did not introduce new word so that it will be easier to teach people about God. The word Allah before Islam is no longer the same compared to the one used after Islam has been established in the Arab country. Allah became the proper name and official name of the true God. Just as the word Islam, although literally it means submission it became the official name of a religion. Professor Wan Mohd Nor says that the context of Arabs and the Malay world is different, non Muslim in our land especially did not use the word Allah before this. There is no such word in their language before, in the original work they called their God Yahweh. So why not they call it in Malay Tuhan Yahweh? Therefore, it is evident that this issue is brought to confuse the Muslim community. They wanted Allah become the name of other gods as well. The fact is that the nature of God in Islam is not the same as the nature of God in Christianity. For instance God in Christianity can have son. Such attribution is unacceptable in Islam.

3. When we analyze the use of the word Allah in the Quran there are two forms: general and specific. The verse in surah al-Tawbah: 30 states that Christians say messiah is the son of God and the Jews say that Uzayr is the son of God. It cannot means that they are the son of Allah because in surah al-Ikhlas it states He begetteth not, nor is He begotten. Other oft-quoted verse regarding this issue is: if indeed thou ask them who it is that created the heavens and the earth, they would be sure to say, Allah.(al-Zumar, 39:38). Here the word Allah cannot mean the true God because they don’t know who Allah is simply because no prophet was sent to them. Therefore, the use of Allah here is to mean God in general. Therefore there are two usages of Allah in the Quran, the general one and the specific one. The specific use such as that verily the religion before Allah is Islam (innaddina indaLlahi al-Islam), (Ali Imran: 19). Allah here is not just god but the true God. The Qur'an uses both forms because it is beyond any boundaries. We live in period of Islam and not in Jahiliyyah. Inasmuch as we cannot exchange dua with solat, although solat literally means doa, we also cannot use (or let others use) the word Allah to refer to other god other than Allah.

4-The spirit behind this issue is religious pluralism. They are saying that Muslim God is the same as God in other religion. They wanted to convey that we, Christians and Muslims, have the same God. This is against Islamic creed. Our Aqidah tells us that other god is not the true God (La ilaha ghayruh). When Muslims renounce religious pluralism, it does not mean that we also reject religious tolerance and religious diversity. In fact Muslims are the one who introduce these concept to the world. The charter of Madinah is the conclusive evidence on this.

5-Prof. Wan Mohd Nor also said that there is limit of meaning for each word we use, the word wahyu is not the same as revelation, we cannot say that I receive wahyu, but you can say that in English. I got revelation last night. Obviously they don’t differentiate between wahyu and ilham (intuition). Every word that has been Islamized is understood in the framework of Islamic worldview. Words such as Allah, masjid, salat, wahyu, rasul, ulama, are some words that cannot be used by other religious community and vise versa. Therefore we cannot call our ulama as paderi and masjid to become temple. In masjid you don’t just ask from God, and you don’t worship idol in it. So what we do in a masjid is substantially different from what they do in their holy place. The main reason that you came to masjid is to submit yourself, to obey Him. Therefore, sujud (prostration) is a symbol of submission, this is what sujud means of which the name masjid is derived from.

6- We cannot equate God with Allah. Because the word God is generic and the word Allah is a proper name. There is no plural of Allah as there is plural of God (gods). And you cannot change it to a common noun to become allah (with small a) instead of Allah and yet this is possible to the word god. Therefore when we say la ilaha illallah it does not mean there is no god but God, this does not make sense, rather it means there is no god but Allah. In Islam the word Allah has a very profound meaning. And its definition has been given in surah al-Ikhlas: Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him. Therefore any Deity which does not have the qualities mentioned in this surah is not Allah and should not be called Allah. By equating Allah with God we will make the word Allah shallow in meaning. It is true that ontologically Allah is God for all humanity. This ontological dimension should not be confused with theological and epistemological explanation. It is the use of the word Allah by non Muslim and not the status of Allah itself that of our concern. Non Muslim may acknowledge that God is the Creator, at the Rububiyyah level, but they deny the Uluhiyyah part when they commit shirk and believe in polytheism. A Muslim is the one who submit to Allah in the level of Uluhiyyah. At this level only Muslims recognize that Allah is the one and only true God. And this is the message of tawhid, the message that was corrupted by religions before Islam.

7. If Muslims in other country permit non Muslim to use the word Allah it is a mistake. Muslims in these countries usually do not have the power to stop it. In Indonesia, liberalization of Islam and secularization of Muslim community has long been in place. We in Malaysia are lucky to have a government that takes this matter seriously. Therefore, we must strive hard to prevent the use of Allah by other religious community. And the non Muslim community must understand it is not a quarrel for the sake of a name, but it is about the protection of the Islamic Creed (Aqidah), and this has nothing to do with religious tolerance or intolerance. This is about respecting other religion. Muslims should avoid literal approach of understanding the Quran that is to jump to conclusions base on rough look at some verses in the Quran which seem related with the matter in question. Many extremist groups use some of the Quranic verses to jump into general conclusion that killing non Muslim is legitimate. Such approach will cause a grievous mistake. A serious matter like this issue of the name of Allah needs more than just literal interpretation; it should be based on in-depth analysis and profound research. This method was discussed at some length by al-Ghazzali, al-Shatibi etc. Malaysian Government and its subsidiaries are put on pressure if they do not allow the use of Allah by the Christians. The government will be accused of violating freedom of expression. Evidently, freedom of expression becomes the highest principle, above all considerations including religious and the interests of the people.

The question is do we have to submit to the liberal values propagated by the West? As an independent and sovereign state, we should disregard what others will say if we can prove academically that what we do is the best for our community. As Muslims we should base our values on our religion. Why should we let the West dictates their values on us? Certainly they are not superior in matters such as values, ethics and morality. Even if they do, we have the right to have our own values, our own identity.
Dr. Khalif Muhammar

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

kunjungan hormat CONCERN ke USIA (Tun Sakaran)

Makluman kepada semua Ketua NGO di bawah CONCERN, Kunjungan Hormat kepada Pengerusi USIA, Tun Sakaran akan diadakan seperti berikut:-

Bertarikh : 6 Januari 2010(Rabu)
Masa : 9.00 Pagi
bertempat: Tingkat 2, Pejabat Usia, Sembulan.
Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Pengerusi CONCERN, Hj Sainuri Yahmin

Saturday, January 2, 2010




Berhubung Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi yang membenarkan penggunaan perkataan "Allah" dalam penerbitan mingguan Herald-The Catholic Weekly. Gabungan NGO Islam Sabah (CONCERN) dan Pertubuhan Islam Seluruh Sabah (USIA) dengan ini membuat ketetapan seperti berikut:-

1. Kami dengan tegas menzahirkan kekecewaan terhadap Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi bersabit isu ini.
2. Kami berpendapat bahawa masyarakat Islam secara keseluruhannya mengakui nama Allah hanyalah untuk orang Islam sahaja yang selama ini menjadi sinonim dengan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia
3. Kami menyeru agar Rayuan di Mahkamah rayuan dipercepatkan bagi tindakan dan pembelaan sewajarnya demi memastikan kesucian Islam di Malaysia terpelihara dan agar isu ini tidak berpanjangan.
4. Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi di khuatiri akan menyebabkan keadaan tidak stabil dan perpecahan di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia.
5. Kami secara tegas menyokong Keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan yang bersidang kali ke-82 pada 5 hingga 7 Mei 2008 yang mencapai keputusan bahawa lafaz "Allah" merupakan kalimah suci yang khusus bagi agama dan umat Islam. Kandungan itu berbunyi: "Setelah meneliti keterangan, hujah-hujah dan pandangan yang dikemukakan, Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa lafaz Allah merupakan kalimah suci yang khusus bagi agama dan umat Islam dan ia tidak boleh digunakan atau disamakan dengan agama-agama bukan Islam yang lain.
6. Kami menyeru agar Keputusan Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Fatwa Kebangsaan berhubung isu ini perlu di ikuti dan dipatuhi.
7. Kami menyeru agar pihak berwajib mangambil satu tindakan yang bijaksana supaya penggunaan nama Allah tidak digunakan dengan sesuka hati selain daripada Islam.
8. Kami dengan tegas berpendapat bahawa kalimah Allah tidak bersesuaian digunakan di tempat-tempat ibadah selain tempat ibadah agama Islam.
9. Menggunakan kalimah Allah di tempat ibadah selain Ibadah agama Islam akan membuatkan masyarakat Islam marah kerana ia dikira sebagai menyekutukan Allah dan bercanggah dengan prinsip nama Allah itu dan juga aqidah Islam.
10. Kami akan membuat seminar di seluruh Sabah bagi menerangkan kepada masyarakat Islam tentang isu ini.

Sidang Media CONCERN dan USIA ini disertai oleh :-